Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Power of Ken Cuccinelli's Endorsement Part II

Some reason I feel like this story may have a lot of parts to it by the time the year is out...

In January we saw the importance of Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli's endorsement when his endorsement of Howie Lind in the 10th District Chairman Race lead to Jim Rich dropping out.

This past week we saw it in the LCRC Chairman race. Days before the vote the endorsement went public, and then he and his staff agressively contacted Loudoun voters on behalf Mark Sell. While Mark's team worked very hard, Ken's endorsement plaid a very big role in a close race that saw the sitting chairman and most of the executive board actively backing Candace Strother.

Ken Cuccinelli's endorsement is one that matters in party races and primaries, because he actively helps those he endorses and it pays off. If people want his endorsement in the future they need to stand with him now as he comes under attack for fighting for conservative principles. Standing with Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli is the right thing to do and the politically smart thing to do.


Well Doc said...

Ken represents the future of the Republican party. He articulates a reasoned approach that places great value on the principles that the Founders valued and still hold true today.

Todd Vander Pol
Hanover Co.

The Bulletproof Monk said...

What you saw was Ken's Loudoun "list" as maintained by Suzanne was used for alot more time than any three days, because she's had access to it since November - because she built it.
Crowing on and on about a 54 vote difference? C'mon.
Mark is my Chairman. Let's see how he does before we start praising or bashing him.