Friday, June 5, 2009

Declaration of the Principles of Liberty

Are you afraid that this nation is quickly headed towards socialism? Do you believe this country needs to reaffirm the constitution and the founders vision for this nation? Has the bailout, GM buyout, and Department of Homeland Security report gotten you upset? If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, I hope you will join me in signing the Declaration of the Principles of Liberty.

The Declaration of Principles of Liberty was written by Dr. Michael Farris (chancellor of Patrick Henry College and chairman of the Home School Legal Defense Association) and was released on World Net Daily on June 2nd.
Through WND, Farris is announcing an invitation to "the citizens of this country that believe in the Constitution, who believe in traditional morality and virtue, who believe in a free America and reject the concepts of socialism and the secularist moral view" to unite in signing a newly drafted Declaration of the Principles of Liberty."
Dr. Farris was inspired to write this document in the wake of the 2008 presidential elections.

Farris told WND he was inspired to become the "draftsman" of the declaration after hundreds of people asked him what could be done in light of the nation's direction. He was further convinced that a core set of "first principles" was needed after working with conservative leaders in an effort to discern the positions of the presidential candidates prior to the last election.

"What I found in the process – to my shock – was not where candidates stood, but that the arguments made by some social conservative leaders showed that we didn't believe the same things or know what we stood for," Farris told WND. "After the election, I attended meetings with leadership of the Republican Party, leadership in the House and other conservative leaders, and I continue to believe that if there's going to be revitalization for the conservative movement, we first and foremost have to know what we believe in."

To that end, the declaration affirms a list of 10 core principles – among them the right to life, freedom of religion and conscience, the right to bear arms, economic freedom, limited government and others – that Farris believes can define and build a conservative coalition.

Dr. Farris has given up hope that a reaffirmation of our core principles will come from the top and hopes that the conservative grassroots of this nation will join with him in affirming the key principles of conservativism.

Fellow liberty lovers, please take a moment and stand up and send a message to the nation that you value life, the family, and the free enterprise system by signing the Declaration of the Principles of Liberty.

1 comment:

Foxwood said...

I will not live in a Socialist/Communist America. We are losing it fast. It's time we march...