Tuesday, July 7, 2009

New Poll is Great News for Ken Cuccinelli

Today the first poll of all three statewide races was released by Public Policy Polling. On the CRFV Blog I posted about the good news this is for the whole Republican ticket. I would take a moment to analyze what this poll means for Ken Cuccinelli.

The poll reports that Ken Cuccinelli leads Steve Shannon 45%-38% overall and 44%-26% among independents. (Ken also enjoys the support of 85% of Republican voters compared to Shannon who only has 80% from his own party.) While this is great news (especially since Shannon is well funded and had no primary contest) when you analyze the undecideds the poll gets even better. Independents have the largest percentage of undecided voters with 30%. Since Ken seems to do well among these voters there is more room for his lead to grow their. Interestingly 14% of Democrats are undecided. If they are undecided this far into the campaign season their has to be a possibility Ken can pick up some of these votes as well.

The person who some people say is too radical to win in Virginia is leading in the first poll, and even leading among independents. Let's continue to work hard and make sure Ken and the rest of the ticket win this fall.

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