Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Virginia 2010 Primary Election Results

As polls close at 7 pm in Virginia, all eyes turn to the watch the results. Everyone is saying that voter turnout is very low, so maybe there will be a surprise.

The best places to track Virginia returns are the VA State Board of Elections website, and Bearing Drift. Bearing Drift will be tracking the results in real time starting at 8 pm.

Hopefully the true conservative wins these primaries, and the party can unite quickly no matter who the nominee is. In November we have to beat the Democrats, and we have to focus on that immediately after the results are in.

To watch returns from across the country I recommend Politico 2010.

I would also like to welcome back to the blogosphere my friend Will Burton of Roanoke on the Right.

UPDATE:: Here are the results for VA's congressional primaries.

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