Monday, June 7, 2010

Keith Fimian for Congress

I was beginning to write an article on Keith Fimian when I saw the post by Black Velvet. It pretty well summarizes why 11th District Republicans should elect Keith Fimian tomorrow.

Two things to add, while much of the discussion in the race has been over the tax issue, Fimian is a man who wants to balance the budget, ban earmarks, and fight illegal immigration. He will stand and fight for our conservative values in congress.

When the electability discussion comes up, remember these days people with a message based on conviction and courage to stand for liberty are more electable than people with huge name id, and the ability to appeal to the elusive middle.

Fimian has stood shoulder to shoulder with Tea Party activists to oppose the healthcare monstrosity. Tomorrow it is time for lovers of liberty to stand with Keith Fimian.

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