Sunday, September 20, 2009

Who would you have voted for in the FRC Straw poll?

Here is a poll of the candidates listed on the FRC straw poll. Who do you support for president in 2012?


Nerdette said...

Huckabee, of course. :-) said...

Pence - I think he'd make a better candidate than Huckabee, which, in this case, I think is very important because they are so close on the issues.

Gregory said...

Huckabee, no question.

Re: - Pence may or may not be a better candidate (Who knows...he didn't go through the presidential election grindstone last year...Huckabee did, we don't know how well Pence would hold up), but regardless of who would be the better candidate, I think Huckabee would be the better President as he actually has experience governing and running an executive branch. And I have a feeling that a Governor (Huckabee) vs. Senator (Obama) would go better than a Representative (Pence) vs. Senator matchup. said...

As for the matchup difficulty, the real issue is not what the title is, it is how much trust the general population will place in the person holding the title. To further elaborate on which I think would be better, I will post what I did on the other place:
He [Huckabee] also lost in '08, is riding on past supporters like yourself, isn't overly compelling (he was liked in "08 because he was the best of the bunch, not necessarily the best overall), and is, sorry to say, old news.
The old news issue goes for most of the people on that list, btw, including Romney. You could argue it goes for Palin too, but her problem was that she was paired with McCain, not that she wasn't liked by the conservatives.
I think we either need someone who has fired up the entire base, like Palin, or, preferably, a new face and style along with excellent conservative values, like Pence.

Anonymous said...

Mike Huckabee almost singlehandedly gave the nomination to McCain, seemingly out of spite against Romney. I'm not a big fan of the Waffler, but he certainly was an improvment over McSame. I wouldn't vote for Huckabee if my life depended on it. He's a social conservative fiscally ignorant Republican.