Monday, January 18, 2010

Howie Lind is Running for 10th District Chairman

Earlier I mentioned an upcoming announcement coming out of Fairfax Co. Howie Lind state central member from the 10th District will be challenging Jim Rich for the 10th District Chairmanship at the 10th District convention. Black Velvet has all the details, and announced it first. I and many other activists from across the state are happy to see a strong challenge to chairman Rich. He has made a reputation as a chairman who is concerned with holding personal power than advancing the party, and trying to take down anyone who disagrees with him. If you believe in free and open government I hope you will join Howie Lind in his bid for 10th District Chairman at the May 22nd convention.

(True to form, I am hearing Jim Rich and his friends on the Loudoun County Republican Committee executive board Glen Caroline, Candace Strother, and others are working to set the filing deadline for Loudoun delegates for February 20th which would people from getting involved in the process as opposed to having it at the regular LCRC mass meeting in March.)

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