Saturday, June 27, 2009

Virginians (Bolling, Periello, Nye, and Chuck Smith) on Cap and Trade

Today during the debate in the House of Representatives on cap and trade, Bill Bolling sent out an e-mail stating his opposition to cap and trade. Good luck to him on trying to get Jody Wagner to oppose cap and trade.
Last week, in response to a letter from American Solutions on the Waxman-Markey national energy tax (also known as "cap and trade"), Bill Bolling joined his running mate Bob McDonnell in opposition to massive new energy taxes on Virginia families and businesses.

In typical fashion, Bill's opponent, former Democratic Party of Virginia Vice-Chair Jody Wagner, refused to take a stand. (Wagner has also refused to take a stand on numerous other issues currently facing Virginia.)

The people of Virginia deserve a Lieutenant Governor who will lead, and you can't lead by ducking the issues that matter most to Virginia.

While Bill Bolling and Bob McDonnell have said "Yes" to More Energy, More Jobs for Virginians, Jody Wagner has said "No" to the development of Virginia's energy resources.

By opposing nuclear power, clean coal and the development of Virginia's offshore energy resources, Jody Wagner is rejecting common sense, job-creating solutions to our energy crisis and siding with the extremist wing of her party in opposing our attempts to create a more prosperous Virginia.
As far as the votes are concerned, while their was a lot of speculation over whether Tom Periello would vote against the bill, the only Virginia Democrat to vote against the bill was Glen Nye. Glen Nye simply voted no because he needed to get reelected. The Republican nominee to run against Glen Nye is Chuck Smith. He is a conservative African American Republican running for congress in the 2nd district and he has come out in opposition to using global warming as an excuse to raise taxes. The 2nd district is an example of the Democrats allowing Democrats to vote no to hel pin close elections. If you live in the 2nd district, don't let Nye fool you. Please elect a Chuck Smith a real conservative in 2010.

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